
POST #100


100 posts...

no art here, wait till next time

and its been almost an entire year since this began! this adventure began on the 2nd of august 2009. i was eating at village inn at 2 or 3 in the morning, and i wanted to have my art somewhere, where i can talk about it, and be a self absorbed asshole... to be like a fancy ass... hahahahahahaha.... and now, a year later... still nobody knows who i am, my art still sucks ass... and yet still... im a self absorbed asshole of epic proportions... hahahahaha i suck............ whoo, lets go over the introduction before we go out!

my name is skip

i draw weird dumb things.

i'd love to draw for people who want me to draw for them.

this is the 1st 100th post.

a coelacanth is a rare type of boney fish

coelacanth is pronounced: see-la-kanth

kitties are adorable

this is failure forever


Sexual Drawings 0


so, i can't have this blog being without arts... so i uploaded a demo version of the 1st sexual drawing... if you don't know the story behind it... back in february.. i was bored at work in las cruces, and i was recently single... and i started drawing me and my ex fucking... just thinking about her, passing the time... then i thought.. this would be a really cool concept for a zine... just a bunch of random sex drawings... FIVE months, TWO hook-back ups, and TWO break ups LATER... here we are...

i had origanally asked alot of people to submit to this, but people suck... so instead, i'm going to do my original drawings and some words to accompany them... draw it out, xerox it, make 31 copies and see what happens...

in complete unrelated news, this is post 99!!!!!!!!!!! DAMNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! expect post 100 to be long and sentimental and boring... just to let you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


uPDATE 7/28/10

3 flyers on the way....

i've also decided to the sex zine all on my own... 3 drawings and maybe 3 poems... i'm not sure yet... but i'm working on that right now...

also the geometry zine.. i just to sketch things out alot before i do em... i want this thing perfect...

i've noticed alot these things are about her... damn, that sucks... damn kidds, and they're impact on me...

i think thats it... stuffs soon....


UPDATE 7/25/10

yo! this aint dead! there's just nothing on the plate right now...the only thing i'm working on, is the geometry zine... even the sex drawings zine, that i had so much hope for is caca.. but fuck it... i'll find a way to make things myself, even if nobody to wants in... uhmmm... i don't have time to keep this updated, but if yr into hopeless scribble peotry.. check out my tumblr... i'd link it for you, but nah.. there's less of a chance of you seeing it, if its not linked.... its whatever... keep yr eyes posted jerks... i'll try and keep everything on track.... there's more to talk about... but since nobody reads this and nobody cares... its kinda pointless.... so i'll stay quiet....

phantasm series IV


this show turned out to be a huge mess... like random huge mess... and surprisingly the last shows at misties have aswell? usually things go fine there, but yeah... wtf? still a fun thing to draw, you know? this is the fourth part in the phantasm series, and since i don't have any commision work coming soon, it seems like it'll be a while before you see part 5... well fuck it... here's the flyer yo....

i like it because its simple and classy... i have a thing with caverns with the last two peices have you noticed that? i was fantasizing about feeling epoxy resin... fantasizing about the a cave into the ocean blue... but whatever.... yr not paying attention anyways...

phantasm series II (revisited)

back from the dead.... i told you this would never die... (begin creepy tape loop, dry ice fog, cue bag of dead bats to drop on the floor) regardless, stuffs coming! here is the same flyer as i did, two/three weeks ago, only slightly revised.. apperantly the band that cancelled, uncancelled...

i've suddenly come to the realization that nobody reads this thing, therefor making posting useless..... hahahahahahahahahah... tooo badd..... still gonna do it sucka!

i mean its not exactly the same, like the same general idea and a different drawing.. but either way... its chillen.. yo...


phantasm series III


myths is a band from canada, there like dark disko noise stuff, which is fucking cool... disko might be dead and famous, but dark disko still has that allure that drives me wild... plus it featurs lief the singer from mutators! and if you know me, in any way, you should i fucking love mutators!

well whatever i did the next installment of my phantasm series... i'm stupid, because i didn't upload the drawing before i added that layer of pastel... well whatever, no one cares anyway... here the final drwing... i love the way the pastel is just lightly on the page and colored in so badly, i like this flyer alot, although i bet people think it sucks....

infoooo: july 13th at the hideaway! myths! dozals! heart chemist! 9pm 3$ go go gog ogogogogog yo!


phantasm series II


part two of the series... this was a flyer for daytes, a band from san antonio... they were looking for a date here in town and i emailed them some links and and asked if i could do a flyer... they ended up doing it with some other band, and then dropped. hahahah... but still, i'll take any chance to draw a flyer.. here's version 1... which came out crappy...

but the bands weren't visible enough so here's the edit...

ehhh, i didn't like it, nah nah nah... but whatever here's the original...

but yeah, that version sucked... so i threw it to the wolves... to be eaten by bears... hahahahah... and i worked on a better version... here's the final...

yeah? yeah? i think this one came out better, like you know? hahahahah, here's the background color things

and plus the original b/w drawing yo!!!

infooo: july 16th the percolator with rawrr (albq) and sheeple and ralpheene and antigone is 5 bucks yo at 6